487B9348C69CC9D8D92B599B4521EDF8 BB's Blessings, Blunderings, & Blitherings: The Healing Power of Touch

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Healing Power of Touch

I wanted to share a thought about the power of 'touch' in our lives... [at the risk striking doctrinal chords]. While there are various ways that 'touch' can reach into our lives, I'm referring here to physical touch.

Somehow, some way, I managed to get a 'hitch' in my step today. There are lengthy explanations as to the source of said 'hitch' of which I will mercifully spare you. (Suffice it to say that it is primarily self-inflicted ~ which means its totally within my 'power' to prevent this in the future so please pray for strengthened self-control for me.)

I had rearranged my schedule today so that I could take my oldest grandson and his cousin on a field trip. When I arrived at their house and got out of my vehicle, I found that 'hitch' in my step and it hurt with each step I took. I was determined to not let this stop me... it might slow me down but it isn't going to stop me - 'they' are counting on me! The kids were looking forward to this (so was I) and Momma/Auntie couldn't stand in for me since I was her stand in for the event! I sat down for a bit and hoped that it would just resolve itself while the kids ate their lunch before we headed out.

We went on our field trip - which was a blessing in itself - and the kids are back in their prescribed locations but this hip thing is not getting better... in fact, it seems to be getting worse.

My daughter is a licensed PTA (Pretty Terrific Angel! Well, while she is that, it really means physical therapy assistant). She insisted that I come back over to her house and she would see if she could offer some relief as well as her patient and gentle (repeated) admonishings to prevent this from happening (yet) again. [Keep in mind that she has four children of her own and is babysitting her niece and nephew as well - so she already has her hands full before I get there!]

This blessing from God had her massage table all set up, the heating pad heated up, her homemade natural products prepared and ready when I got there! (The children were ready to help her make Nana's hurt go away too!) She patiently educated me on how the muscles and their related counterparts all work and how they are connected all while she is positioning me and applying her skill and her homemade natural herbal preparations and oils. What it seems that most people (warning... here is where the doctrinal 'rub' might come in...) don't understand is, what she spent so much time this afternoon doing is "anointing with oil and laying on of hands." She anointed the area that needed "healing" and laid her hands on it and in a relatively short time, I was feeling better! I was walking better and the pain was leaving!

Thank God for people who take the time to learn the wonders of the human body and who make the time to reach out and help someone in need. Thank God for children who not only honor their parents, but love them in spite of their shortcomings... (you know, like Christ loves us)! And praise the Lord for the gift of healing through the power of physical touch!

Whether it's as extensive as my daughter's ministry to me today or as simple as giving someone a hug or even just touching someone on the shoulder... I encourage you to reach out to someone each day with the love of Christ through the healing power of touch!


Anonymous said...

OH, can I have a massage, too? That sounds so heavenly!
I agree, there are so many different kinds of touches. And we need some kind of touch every day. I dont think I do enough. Time to get started!

~healthybratt said...

Thx for stopping by. I'm betting I should know you, but I can't say as I know who you are. :) Give me a hint?

Unknown said...

HB ~ You don't really know me... but here's your hint... you know my daughter LM24 from WTM! :) Thanks for popping 'in' here! I have to tell you... the other pic of the fortress gave me an instant 'message' that I've thought about off and on all day today! Have a blessed day!

LA Nickers said...

Your daughter is surely a blessing!