487B9348C69CC9D8D92B599B4521EDF8 BB's Blessings, Blunderings, & Blitherings: Social media ~~ good or bad?

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Social media ~~ good or bad?

Social media ~~ good or bad?

So I have had a Facebook account for several years.  Last year, I had a "temper tantrum" and deleted everyone from my 'friends' and then posted on my secure homepage that if anyone wanted to be added back, just send a friend request.  Well, duh, they couldn't see it!  That left me to assume who would want to be there or not.  I naturally added my children and their spouses.  I added my mother back as well as my father-in-law. 

There was a reason for the 'temper tantrum'... I had just lost the direct sales business that I had had so much hope in.  There were so many consultants that were going to new companies and were all going to be asking their former consultant friends to help them get started by asking each one to have a party or at least buy something.  I just couldn't as I was already $12,000 in debt between the 2 so-called Christian direct sales companies.  Neither had proven to be what they said they were.  Very discouraging at the very least.  A friend was going to try to help me sell off all that I had in inventory between the two companies.  Well, all of the stuff is still sitting in her garage (I think) and she is now selling her own candles so why would she want to sell what I had left from my now defunct company?  I have told her she can bring the huge stash back but she is busy with her life and lives about 30-45 minutes away.  Perhaps I could convince my husband to bring it all back here.  (I'm sure that would go over like a lead balloon to have HIM go get all of that 'crap' back!)

And now there is the Google+ and I am trying to figure it out and got into a conversation about the proposed name change for the Washington Redskins.  OMGosh!  I got attacked by this one guy who had such a limited vocabulary that only included some of the most foul words in the English language.  I just had a thought... maybe the team should be called the Washington Red Delicious!  LOL

Social media has its place.  Its a wonderful way to stay in touch with friends and family that are distances away.  It's also a way to stay in contact with busy family and friends that live nearby but don't have the means to visit in person.

So I'm tagging this a blundering because of the hours long 'debate' with a man that needs to realize that you can't talk like that and still remain self-employed as people will look you up online and see how you treat people!  And this man's self-employed as a tree trimmer in Florida where they are a dime a dozen there!  The nice thing is, as hard as he tried, he did not get me to stoop to his level and reply in kind!  One for me!!!

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