487B9348C69CC9D8D92B599B4521EDF8 BB's Blessings, Blunderings, & Blitherings: Food for Thought about Global Warming...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Food for Thought about Global Warming...

Ok, while I don't pretend to have all the answers and I'm sure its possible that I'll step on some toes, I'm going to just throw out a thought or two on the topic of 'global warming' ... please bear with me and if you don't agree, please bear with grace! Thanks, in advance!

Well, I have not jumped on the 'go green' bandwagon. Not because I'm against reducing, reusing, and recycling... because I'm all for being good stewards of His creation. I've not jumped on the 'go green' bandwagon because I don't believe all the 'global warming' propaganda/hype (sorry if those words offend... I don't mean them to be offensive, I'm just not sure what words to use if I don't ascribe to it).

Ever since the first time I heard the term 'global warming' and the subsequent warnings that the earth is getting hotter, the polar caps are melting, and WE MUST DO SOMETHNG TO STOP IT NOW (while we still have the chance!) I had a scripture "pop up in my spirit" and I haven't been able to get past it.

Then last week, during the midweek service at church, a comment was made that really struck me and I looked up that scripture that "pops up in my spirit" and was even more awestruck at the verse!

Let me share the comment... or, more accurately put, my paraphrase of the comment...

"For someone to think that 'we' (mere humans) have the power to destroy something that God created - or worse yet - think 'we' (mere humans) have the power to stop 'global warming' if it were true - is awfully arrogant!" I was struck by the truth of the comment... mankind has always had a weakness in that area, hasn't it? Thinking back to the Tower of Babel, or how about Abraham and Sarah and Hagar, or the Israelites wanting a human king, or the disciples wanting to overthrow the current authority and put Jesus in charge? (Or trying to usher in the Second Coming by moving Jews from all over the world back to Israel? But that's another topic... we won't "go there" today!)

So here we are in present day 'bible times' and mankind thinks it can 'fix' the problem of global warming or that mankind can actually destroy the creation that God spoke into existence! Wow... it just seems to me that present-day mankind is thinking more highly of themselves than they ought!

Oh, and what was the scripture that keeps "popping up in my spirit"?

"While the earth remains,
seedtime and harvest
cold and heat
winter and summer
and day and night
shall not cease." Genesis 8:22 NKJV

What I was even more awestruck by was reading the verses just before this one, I found that not only were these God's words, but He spoke them to Noah AFTER Noah came off the Ark and built an altar and offered burnt offerings to the Lord... and the Lord promised him that He would never again curse the ground or destroy every living thing! And the very next words recorded are "while the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, COLD AND HEAT, WINTER AND SUMMER, and day and night SHALL NOT CEASE!"

I hope that this offers you some food for thought today!


Anonymous said...

Never thought of it like that! Thanks for sharing that. It puts a whole new perspective on things!

Unknown said...

That's what the post was supposed to do... simply offer food for thought! In all honesty, the 'propganda' that we are pumped full of from the liberal media and politicians (as well as former politicans) never sits well with me and doesn't ring true to me. I enjoy it when the Lord shows me something that just might contradict what the mainstream media, etc. is trying to convince me of! Praise the Lord for the indwelling Holy Spirit who leads and guides us into all truth!