487B9348C69CC9D8D92B599B4521EDF8 BB's Blessings, Blunderings, & Blitherings: What are you thinking?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What are you thinking?

I've had so many things running through my head lately... most of them of the "grumbling & complaining" kind of blithering. (So many, actually, that I'm having trouble sorting them out!) And as I try to sort them out, my attitude continues to slide down the slippery slope of Satan.

This morning I'm reminded of the book we are studying on Monday nights - The Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. In it Joyce directs us to think about what we're thinking about; to take an 'inventory' of our thoughts, so to speak. Oftentimes my attitude is on the downward turn because of the thoughts I'm thinking... and allowing myself to think on!

Yes, I said, "allowing myself." That may be a confrontational phrase... especially if you don't realize that you choose what you think on and allow to remain in their head. I remember the first time I was 'confronted' with this concept. I was not only offended that I being held accountable for something that "I can't help" but I felt further victimized by the one the Lord sent to speak these very words of freedom to me! (I tend to have a 'victim mentality' when I get on my 'pity-pot' and one feeds off the other and so goes the cycle of the downward spiral.)

Yes, I said, "freedom." I believe that our thoughts have the ability to hold us captive or propel us onward. One thing is for certain... scripture says that WE are each responsible for what we think about (also referred to as 'meditate on'). Second Corinthians 10:5 makes it quite clear, in my opinion, that we (the one doing the thinking) are responsible to take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ. As we take every thought captive, I understand from that verse that we are responsible to cast down certain thoughts. Philippians 4:8 also speaks of our responsibility regarding what we think/meditate on... the things suggested in that verse are good and encouraging. So basically, 2 Corinthians tells us what NOT to think on and Philippians tells us what TO think on. (And yes, I probably am over-simplifying it...)

There is so much more to this topic... of which I won't go into now. Sometime take a few moments and do a search in scripture of the word "thoughts"... our God has some interesting things to say about the subject!

I think I'll think on His goodness, grace, and mercy today! How about you?

Philippians 4:8


Anonymous said...

That reminds me of the saying "garbage in/garbage out". What we put in is what comes out. Good post!

Unknown said...

Excellent point! I just may 'use' that phrase... do you mind? Thanks for the encouragement Fluffy!